Angular dashboard for sensor data. [github]
piDashboard is based on rDash Dashboard . The site is an angular-based dashboard for data provided by a Raspberry Pi. (see RaspberryPi for code for running sensors).
Currently the site has two functions-ish:
- Display a carousel of timelapse images captured by a raspberry pi.
- Show a graph of temp/humidity recorded by a raspberry pi
A crude live version of the site was being served by nginx running on a raspberry pi (the same pi as provides the data), but this was too much of a drain on resources (in the event someone visited).
- A Carousel isn’t a good way to show timelapse images (many of which are pitch-dark…), but the raspberry pi is too constrained to do video-processing
- The humidity graph shows all data-points (it has no ability to date-filter for recency).